Varsha Ritucharya: Regimen for Rainy Season
The human body and its state of health have a direct relation to the revolution of earth around the sun, or, in simple terms, the different seasons. There are six different ‘Ritus’ or seasons explained in Ayurveda, and the convergence of each season to the next one is known as ‘Ritu sandhis’ or joint between […]
Resolve your unresolved mental agonies at Nattika!
We are all busy striving to be the fittest in this fast-paced life. Those who thrive frequently overlook the importance of self-care. Many people find themselves in a state of mental frustration and stress. Frequently, it becomes difficult for most of them to get out of such a psychological trap. Nattika Beach Ayurveda Resort has created […]
Nattika Essence – Aromatherapy
Nattika Life is a leading Ayurveda Wellness Group located in the heart of Kerala, a land famous for its lush landscapes and profound Ayurvedic traditions. The group is committed to providing sanctuaries of healing along the serene seaside where the tranquility of nature enhances the journey towards wellness. Their mission is to provide a transformative experience that aligns the body, mind, […]
Benefits Of Ayurveda
Every science was born out of the ardent search for ways to improve the quality of Life. This search can be traced back to the origin of mankind! Man found out many new techniques and developed new technologies to aid for the sake of well being. These tools have improved the quality of life and […]
Introduction Of Ayurveda
India belongs to an age old civilization, which was blessed with great knowledge in various streams of sciences; be it Astronomy, Mathematics, Architecture or Medical Science!
Udwartanam a Special Therapeutic Massage
Udwartanam or powder massage is a special therapeutic massage in which herbal powders are used to massage the body against the direction of the hair follicles with more pressure.
Ayurveda suggests the intake of herbal drinks and specific fruit juices
Ayurveda suggests the intake of herbal drinks and specific fruit juices to replenish the fluid level in the body and to prevent dehydration.
Health is Wealth
NATTIKA NEWS & UPDATE A healthy nutrition is just as important as taking time to surround yourself with things that you cherish. Here at Nattika we take good care of all our guests needs. From ‚A’ like ‚Ayurveda’ to ‚Y’ like ‚Yoga‘, we want your treatment to be marvelous in every aspect.